40 years!!!

40 years!!!

Last September I turned 40. Wow! Forty years and I feel like I have accomplished very little. For the past couple of years I have done A LOT of soul searching. I have been through some unique experiences traveling, helping others and also seen some people close to me pass on from this world. It all makes me think, “What is the purpose?”, “Am I doing enough?”, and regrets begin to pile up as I realize I’m not doing enough. For me it is not enough to own a nice house, work 40+ hours a week, buy new stuff and repeat. This is not my purpose in life. This is not what God’s plan is for me. I can’t settle for what society says is good. I still like nice houses, I just can’t imagine any one place to put it and stay anymore. For 40 years I have daydreamed about traveling, loved all the different cultures, languages, and experiences. It just simply isn’t enough to pin them on pinterest any longer. Time is passing. I have to get out there and do these things or to me life is a failure, wasted and gone.

So, we sold the house, bought an rv and are off! We will be traveling and seeking to help others. We will be stomping the stigma of mental health and taking The EHAMIOTAID Project on the road! We will go anywhere and everywhere. I am giving my gypsy heart wings! It is just what we have to do and we love it! Here’s to not wasting the next 40 years!!!