Awareness, Inspiration and Light

Awareness, Inspiration and Light

Do you ever get stuck with your art? No matter what art you do there are times you just can’t help but be uninspired. For me the inspiration is more rare than the uninspired times. So when inspiration hits I want to act on it and fast before it passes. I don’t always get to which leads to great frustration. Photography is my main form of art expression. I have been told I have a keen eye more than once. But when your eye is tired of seeing some things it’s time to move on. I get bored with my surroundings easy. This is one reason traveling is great for me. It helps keep me inspired. I can take close ups of flowers, pet pics, people pics, etc. But, been there done that. Time to move on. It’s like I am in a race against time to see as much as possible. I don’t really know why, it is just a drive I have.

I think for me light is a major factor on how i see things. How the light lays on something can change the perspective. Lately I have been seeing the same old things in the same gloomy light. Like at this moment, while thinking of what to write and how to say it, I am sitting here looking out a window that has the same decorations and curtains on it from years ago. It is sleeting outside from grey skies across a Kentucky farm. Tall brown grass, barren trees and a black barn and silo in the distance. I have seen this setting often lately while we are getting things ready and waiting for the time to leave once again. There was a split second when I thought of grabbing the camera and running outside to take pics of the sleet falling but, that passed quickly as I remember all the other pictures I have taken of that field and really don’t feel like doing a series about Kentucky farms. lol

My current state of boredom is giving time, however, to consider being more in focus about my photography. Maybe concentrate on doing a series that I have been turning over in my mind now for some time. And concentrate on, dare I say the now overused word, being more intentional about my photos. More effort. More thought. More awareness.

Awareness. That is something. I need to be more aware. Great art comes from being aware. Being aware of your surroundings. Investigating them. Studying them. Noting the things that pass so many’s observation. And for a photographer, capturing them. So, that is my new project. Awareness and what it produces.

The formula for great photos: awareness, inspiration and light.