The EHAMIOTAID Project is a grass roots tour we are doing to stomp on the stigma of mental health. Matt, my husband, has a heart to encourage others to talk about it, so we are. After touring for a while and having to always come home to take care of the house we decided to let the house go and get an rv. Now we can just be out there. We go wherever and whenever we get the opportunity to speak out about mental health. We have had the opportunity to speak at music events, festivals, support groups and more. To large and small groups. Our slogan, “everyone has a mental issue or they are in denial”, turns heads and stimulates conversation. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, EHAMIOTAID is the acronym for everyone has a mental issue or they are in denial.

We always encounter people who are touched by mental issues, stigma or both. Always both. People come up after Matt speaks and thank him for standing up to it and for doing what we are doing. There is so much hurt out there and things people go through because of mental issues/illnesses. It is always an inspiration to people to keep on or start on their journey when they hear others who are fighting. “To come out of denial and into acceptance is a great place for healing to begin.” So we will keep trying to inspire and encourage. Making lots of new friends along the way. Seeing how other people live.

So far we have been all up and down the eastern half of the US. We have talks about heading west and overseas. Hopefully some of that will work out soon and we can go to some areas we haven’t been to yet. I am the adventurer between us and always looking for new destinations. I hope we will meet you along the road. 😉

If you want to set up a mental health awareness event or have Matt speak at one of your meetings just send us a message on this blog, email to or facebook. Our facebook page for EHAMIOTAID is .